The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2016

The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2016 going to pass in Lok Sabha, that restricts liability to pay compensation to maximum  Rs.10 lakh in case of deceased and Rs. 5 lakh in case of injured towards third party claims by insurance companies.

Current position :- Insurance companies getting premium for risk of owner for  unlimited liability of third party. Insurance company have to pay  compensation according to age and income of deceased who  died due to accident ,who covers under third party claims to heirs of deceased. That's called unlimited liability towards third party. (First and second party are driver and owner of vehicle)

Insurance companies abusing poor law procedures every time ,not settling cases via compromise as facilitates by court to settle cases even reducing claim amount more than 50 %.Secondly lawyers of insurance companies never give even presence to court that leads to too much delay in court cases . the requirement is to take actions against their irresponsible behavior against public. Govt. working totally opposite to public interest. 

Now Gov. going to pass bill of motor vehicle bill  where limiting third party claims compensation to Rs.10 lakh, which lead to huge profit to insurance company. Excess of Rs.10 lakh  compensation burden on owner of vehicle.

Example:-  a young man died in accident and covering  in definition of third party if earning about 3000 per month , his heirs will  get nearly 10 lakh excluding interest of 9%. Now see if person earns  3000 their heirs gets 10 lakh as we know even carpenter and labours are getting minimum 500 per day that comes to Rs.15000/- per month. So, Result of this bill if Mr. Ambani dies, his heirs will get only Rs. 10 lakh. Hahahah what a joke !!

This bill is totally favorable for getting huge profit for insurance companies, awareness is required in public.

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