Touts of courts

Do you  know who is the most important person for any advocate, either practising at lower court or at District Court or at High Court or at Supreme Court, from last 22-24 years in India. The answer is ‘ Tout ’.

A person, who brings court’s work for an advocate, on commission basis, is known as ‘ Tout ’. The quantity of briefs of an advocate is not depend upon his/her efficiency, knowledge of law, ability, seniority, honesty, competency and performance etc., rather same is a result of his/her maintaining ‘ Touts ’.

Now one would ask what do you mean by ‘ Tout ’. Let me tell. A ‘ Tout ’ is a person, who induces/instigates, on the basis of falsity, any party of a court’s case/complaint/matter to engage any particular lawyer for conduction of said case/complaint/matter in the court. The fee of said lawyer in that  court’s case/complaint/matter is also settled by said ‘ Tout ’. After getting part/full payment of said fee by said lawyer from that party, about fifty percent of that payment is given to ' Tout ' by said lawyer. In this way the fifty percent of total received fee in question goes into pocket of ' Tout '.

This 'Tout ' is not bound to have any academic qualification and license from any agency to do that work of tout-ism. Anybody can become ' Tout '.

Now a days mostly ' Touts ' are among lawyer's clerks, Private Typists of courts, Private Draft-Men of courts, Officials of Courts of any rank, Officials of department of Police of any rank, Officials of department of Jail of any rank, Officials of department of Revenue of any rank, Officials of private/public Hospitals of any rank, Officials of Public/Private Banks and Assurance Companies of every level, Officials of any other Government and Private department, Officials of local Bar of Courts of every type,Officials of court's canteens of any type, Sweepers and Blacksmiths of  courts and other localities of cities and villages, Municipal Councils, Members of Gram Panchayat, Politician of any level, Persons having civil and criminal court's cases of their own etc. Even advocates himself/herself are doing job of ' Tout ' for other advocates.

Most of advocates give as much respect to any of ' Tout ' as given by them to any respectable elder member of their family. Earnings of most of ' Touts ' are much higher then most of advocates of India. Sycophancy of a ' Tout ' has become the only religion of all most all advocates of India. Now if any advocate wants to shine his/her advocacy in India, then it has become very necessary for him/her to adopt said religion of sycophancy of  ' Tout '.

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